This In Home Care Child Care Subsidy (CCS) Calculator is developed for Australian parents to estimate their possible Child Care Subsidy payment amount for In Home Care (IHC). For Centre Based Day Care, Family Day Care or Outside School Hours Care please use the Child Care Subsidy Calculator.
This Calculator is based on the publicly available guidelines and publications about Child Care Subsidy that can be found in the Child Care Subsidy Guide by the Department of Education and Training, Australian Government. The Child Care Subsidy rates that take effect on 8 July 2024 for Financial Year 2025 (FY25) are being used. However, the results from this calculator are only indicative and informative.
From 2 July 2018, a new In Home Care (IHC) service type will be available under the Australian Government's new child care package. The new arrangements provide flexible early childhood education and care for families who can demonstrate that the other types of approved child care are not suitable or available and where:
To access IHC, families must be eligible for CCS. Given the unique family aspect of IHC, a family's CCS entitlement for IHC will be based on a family hourly rate cap but not an hourly rate cap per child. The Child Care Subsidy for In Home Care will be based on a family hourly rate cap of $38.87 per hour.
Families receiving IHC may also be eligible for Additional Child Care Subsidy (ACCS). The ACCS provides assistance in the following circumstances:
Families eligible for ACCS (Child Wellbeing), ACCS (Grandparent) or ACCS (Temporary Financial Hardship) will receive a subsidy equal to the actual fee charged, up to 120 per cent of the CCS family hourly rate cap. Those families will not be subject to the activity test, and will be entitled to up to 100 hours of care per child, per fortnight.
ACCS (Transition to Work) is available for parents transitioning to work from income support. Eligible families will receive a subsidy of 95 per cent of the actual fee charged or up to 95 percent of the CCS family hourly rate cap, whichever is lower. Hours of subsidised care will be determined by the Child Care Subsidy Activity Test.
Please Note: 5 per cent (5%) of your weekly Child Care Subsidy entitlement will be withheld unitl the end-of-year reconciliation if you are NOT eligible for ACCS. The five per cent mandatory withholding of your entitlement will not apply to ACCS payments and neither will the annual cap.
Help: Click on the "" icon to show explanation of each field. PLEASE NOTE: We are NOT affiliated with Centrelink! If you have any questions regarding your Child Care Subsidy Assessment, please phone Centrelink on 136 150 (8am – 8pm, Monday to Friday).
Privacy: Neither the details entered nor the final results are stored in any system so you may want to print it and have a copy of the results.
Please note: If the family has more than 5 children a second In Home Care educator can be engaged as each In Home Care educator can care for up to 5 children from the one family.